Who’s In Your Corner Fighting For Your Health?
An October 2001 report by the World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”, Wikipedia.org, 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probiotic
In microbiology 101, we learn that beneficial externally sustained living bacteria called probiotics also compete for space with bad bacteria which in turn keeps them from thriving.
This bacterial ecosystem exists on every surface on this planet, including you!
Probiotics are a major part of our personal and living space defense system. They keep us and our homes clean and clear of pathogenic over-population.
This ecosystem is called a microbiom. When there is not enough good bacterial to fend off bad bacteria (pathogens) then the bad bacteria cause health problems for humans and animals.
These problems arise as respiratory allergies, skin diseases, infections, fungus, skin breakouts and the list goes on. Additionally, hospitals are also known to be hot zones for contracting big bacterial infections such as MRSA, Staph, Salmonella and even E. coli, because the microbioms inside of those institutions are lopsided since they have totally erraticate the microbiome with total bacterial anhilators such as bleach, amonia’s and other sterilizers.
Clean is good but when there is nothing left on a surface and bacteria is always present in everything, even floating around in the atmosphere, something is bound to land on that clean surface sooner than later. It will then quickly repopulate that surface because there are no threats to it’s growth since the ecosystem has been destroyed by antibacterial cleaners.
Now imagine what type of germ will get to the clean surface first especially when that place harbors a constant stream of sick people already infected with some type of unhealthy illness.
Those pathogens float and smear on elevator buttons, bed railings, walls, chairs and even afloat in the atmosphere being pumped through the air conditioning system. Yes, that’s right, in a hospital… because that is the place that helps us get better after contracting a pathogen.
What is the difference between your home and a hospital when you are using the same cleaners at home? What are the differences between your home and a hospital when the surfaces you clean are being recontaminated with pathogens? Where are pathogens in your home and how did they get there you may ask?
Most pathogens land in your living space through contamination from outside public hot-spots like keypads, grocery cart handles, the car steering wheel, reclaimed watered grass areas and the paws of your pets, playgrounds and the list goes on.
Maintaining a balanced microbiome is the key to staying and maintaining a healthy home and personal health.
Probiotics are bacteria which are healthy to you and work in unison with your biology. They are very much like your personal body-guards.
When you have a balanced bacterial environment on you and around you, you will find that probiotics perform the following fuctions:
- Protekt’s blend of living probiotics crowd out harmful bacteria. Think of probiotics as your personal army, fighting the good fight of health and well-being.
- Protekt’s blend of living probiotics produce enzymes to inhibit bad bacteria. These enzymes in a way act as land mines against pathogens.
- Protekt’s blend of living probiotics create an environment that bad bacteria do not like.