The Dangers of Over-Disinfecting

Over-Disinfecting: Why Killing Good Bacteria is Harming Our Indoor Environment
Are You Over-Disinfecting Your Space?
We spend the majority of our lives indoors, and the recent pandemic has made us more conscious of keeping our indoor spaces clean. The constant reminder to disinfect everything is everywhere, from the news to social media. But what if the products we use to disinfect are also harming the good bacteria in our environment?
Jessica Green presents this fascinating concept in her Ted Talk, “Are We Filtering the Wrong Microbes?”

The dangers of over-disinfecting and how it affects our environment.
Our environment is home to both good and bad bacteria, and we need both to maintain a healthy ecosystem. Good bacteria help to break down organic matter, recycle nutrients, and even boost our immune system. Our indoor environment should have the same diverse range of bacteria as outdoor spaces. When we over-disinfect, we kill off the good bacteria along with the bad, and we end up with a less diverse ecosystem.
The Impact of Over-Disinfecting on Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality is a significant concern, and we use mechanical air filtration to keep the air clean. However, this filtration also removes the beneficial microbes from the air. The air we breathe indoors should have a diverse range of bacteria just like the air outdoors. When we filter the air too much, we lose much of the beneficial microbial diversity. Most of the microbes found in the air inside buildings and homes are associated with humans, species that are shed from our skin or from respiratory secretions.
The Solution: The Prōtëkt Line of Products
The Prōtëkt line of products such as our lines of sprays are a solution to the problem of over-filtration. Prōtëkt products use a unique blend of probiotics that are designed to repopulate indoor environments with good bacteria. The probiotics help to break down organic matter, eliminate bad odors, and improve indoor air quality. These products are safe for both humans and animals and can be used in a variety of indoor environments, including homes, offices, and schools.
Over-disinfecting has become a common practice, especially during the pandemic. However, we need to be mindful of the impact it has on our indoor environment. We need to maintain a diverse range of bacteria in our environment to ensure a healthy ecosystem. The Prōtëkt line of products is a solution to the problem of over-filtration and can help to repopulate indoor environments with good bacteria. So, the next time you reach for that disinfectant, remember that over-disinfecting may not be the best solution, and consider using probiotics to maintain a healthy indoor environment.
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