Bacterial Cross-Contamination Alert: Poo Found on Every McDonald’s Touchscreen Tested
A shocking new study has revealed that poo was found on every touchscreen tested at McDonald’s locations. This alarming discovery highlights the dangers of bacterial cross-contamination in fast food restaurants and the importance of proper sanitation practices.
Bacterial cross-contamination occurs when harmful bacteria are transferred from one surface to another, potentially causing illness. In this case, the presence of fecal matter on the touchscreens used for ordering food raises serious concerns about the cleanliness of these devices and the potential for the spread of bacteria.
Food service establishments do not seem to prioritize cleanliness or sanitation in order to protect customers from the dangers of bacterial cross-contamination. Proper cleaning and disinfection protocols, as well as regular testing and monitoring, should be implemented to ensure the safety of food and surfaces.
With that said, how do we as consumers protekt ourselves? (pun intended)
Customers should also take precautions to protect themselves by washing their hands thoroughly before and after using touchscreens or handling food. Additionally, it is just as important to replenish that washed skin surface with PRO-biotics in an attempt to ward of BAD-biotics (pathogens) with a Prōtëkt® probiotic product such as the Hand Gel. It is also important to be vigilant and report any concerns about cleanliness to management.
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