So Why Exactly Do I Need To Take A Probiotic Supplement?

Taking internal probiotics is really good for you, especially if you are a first timer. Your intestines are filled with trillions of bacteria of which there are some that are bad (pathogens) and the rest that are good which are called probiotics. The good bacteria is good and essential for your digestion. With the traditional American diet being so poor, most people often have poor bacteria in their guts (intestines). The medical name given to the community of bacteria in your guts is called ‘gut flora’.
Our emotions sit in the digestive system:
Modern research is beginning to find that much of our emotional drivers are found in our digestive system. Emotions such as stress, depression, irritability, anxiety and energy are all controlled and regulated by the digestive system. So for those who are prone to periods of feeling low or having dips in their energy levels or even for those that get really tired after stressful episodes–they nearly always need help with their digestive system.
70% of the immune system comes from the large intestines:
Medical science has also concluded that our immune system is also regulated and organized by the digestive system. The large intestine is responsible for over 70% of the body’s immune system response. The large intestine is very important in getting rid of toxins and pathogens absorbed with our food. Unfortunately with the high stress environment we live in and the increased amount of unnatural sugars found in our everyday foods, the gut flora for healthy bacteria to thrive in our large intestines is reduced dramatically. So, we are finding more and more episodes of people having yeast infections ( Candida ) and higher levels of intestinal parasite presence.
Probiotics and their contribution to our daily internal workings:
There are countless billions of bacteria in the large intestine. Some good and some bad. Good bacteria ( probiotics ) work for the healthy well being of the human body including it’s digestion through their presence and leftover byproducts. Bad bacteria also create byproducts but it is unhealthy to us and therefore it is a waste that we don’t need inside of our bodies. This bad waste that pathogens produce is unhealthy such as in bad enzymes, proteins, gases and complex acids to name a few. Many of these pathogenic byproducts are poisonous to the human body. For example if we take yeast, we know it is used to produce good things outside of the body such as alcohol in wine or beer. But, having a bacterial yeast infection like Candida in our system will also produce quantities of alcohol depending on the degree of infection. Unnaturally high levels of alcohol at the cellular level is bad. So, you can understand why having a bad bacteria, which can produce other poisonous or harmful substances are not good. In addition to this, your immune system will be working in overdrive to try to kill off these bad bacteria’s while your organs are additionally taxed with the demand of processing pathogenic waste.
This stresses the body and also distracts the body from serious or stronger infections that pass around in society. Constant or regular colds, infections, viruses or illnesses are a sure sign of a struggling intestine. Further, if your digestive system is in poor health then your emotions will also be more irregular or erratic. Again this is another sure sign of poor health.
Probiotic science also extends into your external world.
Don’t forget, your skin is your largest organ. Without that specific medical knowledge many people glaze over the fact that the human skin is the largest human organ and it is attacked by pathogenic viruses and bacteria twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.
Do your research, take probiotics and feel happier.