Agreed, Debbie… We Get The Hotel Room Heebie Jeebies Too

By Prōtëkt Probiotic Products|February 6, 2019|Environment|0 comments

Inspired by a resent post by a friend on Facebook who has a very valid point when she says, “Does anyone else get the heebie jeebies when sleeping on hotel beds?” After the results we’ve pulled, we’re convinced that these living spaces are in much need of probiotics to help clean up the dirt.

Let us know in the comments below if you’d be interested in watching a live or prerecorded test of surfaces for original bacteria counts using our in house ATP (adenosine triphosphate) meter.












Rest assured dear friend, it’s not just you who feels this way. We’ve got our spotlight shining on a few other spots in your hotel room too.

I have personally traveled both domestically and internationally and stayed in both private (Airbnb/VRBO) and commercially operated accommodations and I must say, I have my concerns similar to Debbie’s.

According to a barrage of studies already performed on the subject of hotel cleanliness (dirt), specifically to pathogens (bad bacteria), hotels do not fare very well in cleanliness. As a matter of fact, hotels rooms are approximately 17 times dirtier than the average American family home.

The dirtiest hot spots found in hotel rooms begins with the television remote control. The following list is in no certain order of bacterial level contamination.

  1. Television remote control
  2. Faucets and counter tops
  3. Door knobs and locks
  4. Desks and shelves
  5. Bedside lamps
  6. Light switches
  7. Telephone
  8. Alarm clock
  9. Coffee maker
  10. Drinking glasses
  11. Couch cushions
  12. Bed comforters and pillows
  13. And, carpets are dirtier than you think!

Don’t assume that paying more means cleaner, either. In fact, the five star hotels ranked higher in germ infestations than their 4 and 3 star counterparts. Taking preventative measures as soon as you arrive into your hotel accommodation is the best action item I can suggest for a traveler. Begin cleaning the dirt using a travel sized probiotics dispenser such as a Kalos wand or a two ounce bottle of premixed universal cleaner. Turn down the bedding and spray the whole bed with Protekt Probiotic Home Spray to begin the process of bacterial and allergen control of your sleeping space and rest assured those pesky dust mites won’t be making stuffy.

Move through the rest of your accommodations spraying the mist needed areas as you see necessary.

A word of caution regarding drinking cups and towels. Ensure your towels smell washed and rewash all complimentary drinking and eating utensils before you use them, as many hotels were found grossly negligent across the country during an ABC News investigation using hidden cameras with the focus on drinkware cleanliness.

In summary, have greater joy and peace of mind  when traveling near and far by engaging your environment proactively using your Protekt external probiotic travel products.


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